Crafting adventures to enchant our inner child

About the Author

Birgit Schreiber is an emerging author focused on writing tales with wondrous magic, filled with loveable characters who navigate trials and tribulations that test faith and character in themselves and others. She is known for themes of good triumphing over evil and characters discovering the best in themselves as they navigate their paths.

She enjoys creating stories that transport the reader to new realms, that always include hints of magic, and that propel characters and readers alike on journeys of possibility, wonder, and belonging.

Read on below to get to know her better!

I’ve loved stories my entire life

Before I could read or knew how to print my name, I scribbled on paper and blabbed as my imagination spilled onto the page …

My favorite reads and most memorable children’s books, shows, and films are too many to list. But what I can say is memories of those characters, worlds, and adventures live long in my heart and are reflected in my work. A wooden toy puppet coming to life and the elderly crafter who made him. Fairy Godmothers who make beautiful things to wear for modest and unsuspecting heroines. Talking teapots and stuffed animals who enchant a main character’s journey.

I see shiny reminders of them all in my books. 

Stories made hard times in life easier somehow. Alternate worlds, where magic is an option; where unworldly possibilities can be made a new reality. I longed for my daydreams to be real. Writing books makes that so. 

Stories like Narnia, The Hobbit, Inkheart, and Harry Potter reminded me of the types of books I wanted to write. I’ve always had a passion to build settings that my own readers would enjoy escaping into, like Hogwarts, the Enterprise, a bedroom with a wardrobe or an unexplored rabbit hole.

I’ve spent my lifetime, since childhood, imagining elements of my TradeMagic saga. From the earliest memories of Santa Claus flying in to deliver gifts for good kids to the hope a heroic Jedi can bring to a galaxy. I’ve taken memories I had as a kid, cruising the Rhine River and seeing castles on mountaintops overhead, and let them inspire me. 

I hope that my work gives readers the same type of wondrous escape, motivation, passion, and joy that stories have always done for me.

Birgit’s future writing plans

All books in the TradeMagic trilogy are written; Books Two and Three are at various stages of the editing and rewriting phases.

I’m also working on a stand-alone Christmas story about a boy and a magic Advent calendar!

I have several ideas for other books, like an epic quest fantasy and a soul-gripping dystopian with magical realism, but I won’t tackle those until after my TradeMagic books are done.

You can connect to more of my “writing side” by following my writing journey on instagram @birgitmagicwriter .

Writing books where readers can find imagination, belonging, and faith within the pages

Ready to start the adventure?

Escape into the TradeMagic™ world with book one,
The Toymaker and the Magic Within